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After a shoot, it’s time to go through all the images you’ve taken and pull out the good ones. But what makes a good photo? Let’s look at how to assess and analyze your images.

拍摄后,是时候仔细检查您拍摄的所有图像并挑选出好的图像了。 但是,什么才能拍出好照片? 让我们看看如何评估和分析图像。

In this article, I’m mainly going to focus on assessing your own work to see which of your images are strong and have potential, but you can use the same process to look critically at the photos you see every day. Looking at great photos and asking yourself why they work (or just as good, looking at bad photos and asking yourself why they don’t work) is one of the best ways to learn about photography. If you’re one of the regular readers of my tutorials, I will encourage you to look critically at every one of the images I post; they’re not perfect so pull apart what you think works and what doesn’t. Just remember, if there’s an image you hate, I chose it deliberately to test you—or at least that’s my excuse.

在本文中,我将主要集中于评估自己的作品,以查看哪些图像很强并具有潜力,但是您可以使用相同的过程来认真查看每天看到的照片。 查看优质照片并问自己为什么能工作(或者同样好,查看不良照片并问自己为什么不起作用)是学习摄影的最佳方法之一。 如果您是本教程的常规读者之一,我鼓励您认真研究我发布的每张图片; 它们并不完美,因此请拆开您认为有效和无效的内容。 请记住,如果有您讨厌的图像,我会故意选择它来测试您-至少这是我的借口。

Now, let’s break it all down.


第一步:你喜欢吗? (Step One: Do You Like It?)

The first step when reviewing your images is simple: what’s your gut reaction to it? Do you like the shot? Hate it? Somewhere in between? If you don’t like an image you shot, flag it as a reject or whatever catalog app you’re using. There’s not much point continuing to consider an image if your initial reaction is indifference.

查看图像的第一步很简单:您对图像的直觉是什么? 你喜欢这个镜头吗? 讨厌它? 在。。。之间的某处? 如果您不喜欢拍摄的图像,请或您使用的任何目录应用中将其标记为拒绝。 如果您最初的React是冷漠,那么继续考虑图像就没有多大意义了。

Here’s a photo pulled at random from my collection that I rejected straight away. There’s not much to like: my dog is posing awkwardly, the composition isn’t great, and it’s all a bit meh.

这是从我的收藏中随机抽取的照片,我立即拒绝了。 没什么好喜欢的:我的狗笨拙地摆姿势,构图也不好,而且有点混乱。

With other people’s images, even if your initial reaction is indifference, you should at least consider why you feel that way. Is it the subject matter? The composition? The colors? Is it just a mediocre snapshot? Think it through.

对于其他人的图像,即使您最初的React是冷漠,也应该至少考虑一下为什么会这样。 是主题吗? 组成? 颜色? 这只是一个普通的快照吗? 仔细考虑。

第二步:技术评估 (Step Two: Technical Assessment)

Technically assessing an image boils down to two big questions: is it and is it well exposed? If the answer to either question is no, even if you love the image, it’s probably worth killing at this stage.

从技术上评估图像可归结为两个大问题:图像且曝光良好? 如果对这两个问题的回答都是“否”,即使您喜欢这张照片,在现阶段也可能值得杀死。

To get a little more specific, the kinds of things you need to ask yourself at this point are:


  • Is ? Is the right part of the subject in focus? Are the eyes sharp?

    吗? 该主题的正确部分是否正确? 眼睛锐利吗?

  • Was a slow shutter speed used? If so, is there any blur from the subject moving? What about blur from the camera shaking?

    是否使用了较慢的快门速度? 如果是这样,被摄体的移动是否有任何模糊? 相机晃动会造成模糊吗?
  • Is the image correctly exposed with no ? or underexposed but ?

    图像是否正确曝光,没有高光 ? 或曝光不足但是吗?

  • Was it or did you accidentally leave your camera in JPEG? This has happened to me before, and it’s a major headache when it comes to editing.

    它还是不小心将相机保留为JPEG? 这是我以前发生过的事情,这在编辑时是头疼的大问题。

  • How do the colors look? What’s ? This stuff is easy enough to fix in editing, but you should think about it now.

    颜色如何? 什么 ? 这些东西很容易修复,但是您现在应该考虑一下。

Let’s look at some photos I rejected for technical reasons. In this shot, I missed focus, so the man’s eyes are blurry.

让我们看看一些由于技术原因我拒绝的照片。 在这张照片中,我错过了对焦,因此该人的眼睛模糊。

In this shot, my shutter speed was too slow, so there’s some blur from the camera in my hands.


This shot is just too underexposed. I remember that I fixed my exposure on the scene, so I’ve got a better one from a few moments later.

这张照片曝光不足。 我记得我在现场固定了曝光,所以过了一会儿我得到了更好的曝光。

I reject at least a few shots that I kind of like each shoot because I got something wrong technically.


第三步:考虑组成 (Step Three: Consider the Composition)

What typically happens when you shoot is that you’ll take a couple of slightly different images of virtually the same thing. Here are twelve very similar photos I took of a lighthouse near my home. TThere area few test shots in there; I was playing around with shutter speeds and waiting for the ships in the bay to move around.

拍摄时通常会发生的情况是,您实际上会拍摄几张稍有不同的图像。 这是我在我家附近的一座灯塔上拍的十二张非常相似的照片。 那里几乎没有测试镜头; 我当时正以快门速度玩耍,并等待海湾中的船只四处走动。

For the most part, the images are all technically equal: they’re sharp, in focus, and reasonably well-exposed. They’re also of the same subject so this is where .

在大多数情况下,图像在技术上都是相同的:它们清晰,聚焦且曝光合理。 它们也是同一主题,因此这是上 。

As you get better, you’ll but it’s still worth thinking about composition deliberately.


  • Are you or have you gone for a ? Remember, you can crop your image but too much cropping reduces the image quality.

    您是还是为了获得 ? 请记住,您可以裁剪图像,但是裁剪过多会降低图像质量。

  • Is there ?


  • Where do your eyes fall when you first look at the image? Is it where you want the viewer’s eyes to fall? Are there ?

    第一次查看图像时,您的眼睛会落在哪里? 您想让观众的眼睛落在哪里吗? 有 ?

  • What’s going on with the colors and contrast? Are there any bright or saturated subjects? ?

    颜色和对比度是怎么回事? 是否有明亮或饱和的物体? 吗?

  • Does the image show what you want it to show? Is it making the point you want it to make?

    图像是否显示您想要显示的内容? 它是您要表达的观点吗?

All this is subjective and often it will be difficult to choose between two very similar images. In those cases, I either go with my gut or pick the first one I shot.

所有这些都是主观的,通常很难在两个非常相似的图像之间进行选择。 在那种情况下,我要么随便拿走,要么选择我拍摄的第一个。

If you’re curious, here’s the image I finally went with that day shooting the lighthouse.


I was shooting it for a specific project, which limited my composition slightly but, overall, I’m happy enough with it. The heavy gray sky isn’t ideal but I love the depth between the lighthouse in the foreground and the subtle variations in shade of the island and mountains in the background.

我当时正在为一个特定的项目拍摄它,这稍微限制了我的构图,但是总的来说,我对此感到很满意。 灰色的天空并不理想,但我喜欢前景中的灯塔与背景中的岛屿和山脉之间的细微变化之间的深度。

第四步:将所有内容放在一起 (Step Four: Pulling It All Together)

Once you’ve pulled out your few favorite photos from a shoot, it’s time to edit them. You should be thinking about how you can . Now is the time to and . Every digital image you shoot will need at least a few small adjustments to brightness, contrast, and color. For example, here’s the original version of that lighthouse.

从照片中取出几张喜欢的照片后,就可以对其进行编辑了。 您应该考虑如何 。 现在是 , 。 您拍摄的每个数字图像都至少需要对亮度,对比度和颜色进行一些小的调整。 例如,这是该灯塔的原始版本。

And here’s my final version again.


I haven’t done anything drastic. I cropped out the dark bit of land in the bottom right and brightened everything up. Again, it’s not the best image I’ve ever shot but it’s the best one I took that day.

我什么都没做。 我剪掉了右下角的一片黑土地,照亮了一切。 再说一次,这不是我拍摄过的最好的图像,但是那是我那天拍摄的最好的图像。

Once you start to gather a collection of good images that you like, you can put them all through this process again. Look at them really critically and tease out what you got right, what you got wrong, what you like, what you don’t like, and most importantly of all, why you think these things. You can, and should, also do the same with other people’s images. Even just flicking through a decent magazine will give you dozens of images to assess.

一旦开始收集喜欢的好图像的集合,就可以再次将它们全部放入此过程。 真正地批判地看待他们,弄清楚您是对的,您错了的,您喜欢的,您不喜欢的,最重要的是,为什么您要考虑这些。 您可以并且也应该对其他人的图像执行相同的操作。 即使只是浏览一本像样的杂志,也会为您提供数十张图像进行评估。



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